Snowbank Lake - home to Grandpa Dan's cabin and three weeks of off-the-grid living. We get our drinking water right out of the lake.

Dinner - northwoods style. It's been three days and four fish meals.

This eagle has been heckling the loon family in our bay, we hearing the loon calls every night as we go to sleep.

Our returns to Minnesota always include a visit to Camp Mishawaka - where Tanya and Rick met how many years ago? (24! She first spied him when he was eating chicken at the Co-ed Barbecue.)

Though we left our Minnesota home six years ago, and love our life now in Calgary, old friends are always with us. It's great to catch up.
Mosquitoes, ticks, flies and bees.
Friends of gold
Good times not old.
Time to relax, reflect and ask.
To what next do we go?
Our past lives we know.
Yet experience and time
Will bring change we shall find.
We follow our hearts, know how we fit in
It's knowing we'll awake to another stage
Of the life we were in.
Just a little bit richer
More peace felt and serene.
Now capable of more - untold/unforeseen.
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